A Visit from IAIN (State Islamic Institute) Purwokerto
The UAD Quality Assurance Board (BPM) received a comparative study visit from the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) IAIN Purwokerto on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. This comparative study was attended by 11 participants from IAIN Purwokerto, including Vice-Chancellor I, Mr. Munjin, and Chairman of LPM, Mr. Suwito. The arrival of the comparative study participants was received and welcomed by Mrs. Utik Bidayati, S.E., M.M, as the Head of BPM, Mrs. Dr. Surahma Asti Mulasari, M.Kes, as Head of the PPM Unit, and Mr. Imam Santosa, S.T., M.T., as Head of the Monevin Unit. The primary purpose of the comparative study of LPM IAIN Purwokerto to BPM UAD was to consult on implementing the AIPT visitation. With the implementation of this comparative study, it is hoped that BPM UAD can benefit IAIN Purwokerto, which is preparing for the AIPT visitation.

The atmosphere of Comparative Study of LPM IAIN Purwokerto with BPM UAD

Togetherness BPM UAD & LPM IAIN Purwokerto