A Visit from Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor
Thursday, March 21, 2019, the UAD Quality Assurance Board (BPM) received a comparative study visit from the Quality Assurance Board (BPM) and the Higher Education Institution Accreditation Team (AIPT) Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor. The arrival of 20 participants for the comparative study, including the Head of BPM UNIDA Gontor, Dr. Muhammad Muslih, MA., welcomed by Utik Bidayati, S.E, M.M. as the Head of BPM, Dr. Surahma Asti Mulasari, M.Kes, as the Head. PPM Unit, and Ulinnuha Yudiansa Putra, S.E., M.Acc., Ak. as head of AIK units. Several things were discussed in this comparative study, including:
- Database and Development of Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM Dikti)
- Cycle Mechanism of Higher Education SPMI (PT) & Core Documents of SPM Dikti
- Compiling technique of Manual Document & Policy of Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM Dikti)
- Practice for Compiling Standard Document & Policy of Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM Dikti)
- Compiling Techniques of SPM Dikti Form Document
It is hoped that this comparative study can benefit both parties, both BPM UNIDA and BPM UAD.

Benchmarking Participants from UNIDA Gontor