Dissemination of The Self-Assessment Report ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance
The ASEAN University Network on Higher Education for Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) is the target of UAD as a measure of achieving international reputation. Currently, UAD has become a member of the ASEAN University Network (AUN), and UAD has assigned the Pharmacy undergraduate program (S1 Farmasi) to submit a proposal for AUN-QA Assessment. As a concrete step towards implementing UAD’s international accreditation, on August 1, 2018, the Pharmacy undergraduate program successfully submitted a proposal for AUN-QA Assessment. The Pharmacy undergraduate program (PSSF) has been accredited A since 2009 with decree from BAN-PT: 027/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IX/2009. PSSF received A accreditation again in 2014 with decree from BAN-PT: 437/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2014. Within the UAD community, PSSF has received several awards for its quality culture, achieving the highest scores in Internal Quality Audit (AMI) from 2015 to 2018, with an average score of 3.82. Since 2016, PSSF UAD has been preparing itself through various efforts and activities to gain wider recognition through AUN-QA certification. The process of submitting proposals for AUN-QA Assessment will continue by delegating other programs such as the Counseling Guidance undergraduate program (S1 Bimbingan Konseling), the English Language Education undergraduate program (S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris), and the Psychology undergraduate program (S1 Psikologi) to carry out similar initiatives as those done by the Pharmacy undergraduate program.

The participants of the AUN SAR socialization.
Therefore, it is necessary to organize a socialization regarding the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) AUN to programs that are considered capable and ready to follow the footsteps of the Pharmacy undergraduate program (S1 Farmasi). On Thursday, November 1, 2018, the SAR AUN socialization was held, attended by 7 programs, namely Counseling Guidance (BK), English Language Education (PBI), Psychology, Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI), Civic Education (PPkn), Physics Education, and Informatics Engineering. The SAR AUN socialization was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FKIP), the Dean of Psychology, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (FTI), as well as the heads of the 7 programs along with representative lecturers. The speakers for this SAR AUN socialization were Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari S.Si., M.Si., Apt., as the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and Nurkhasanah S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., as the head of the Pharmacy undergraduate program (S1). With the organization of this socialization, it is hoped to provide additional information and insights to the Deans and heads of programs regarding AUN-QA.

Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari S.Si., M.Si., Apt. was one of the speakers at the SAR AUN socialization event.

Nurkhasanah S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. was also a speaker at the SAR AUN socialization event.

Dr. Muchlas M.T, as the Vice Rector 1, and Utik Bidayati, S.E., M.M, as the Head of BPM, opened the SAR AUN socialization event.