Internal Auditor Training “Audit Instrument for SNPT and New Accreditation Forms”
The Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) of UAD organized an Internal Auditor Training on Saturday, September 1, 2018, at Hotel Herper. This auditor training was conducted to equip auditors with the necessary skills to carry out their tasks more effectively and efficiently. Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng (IRCA Certified Auditor), who has extensive experience in the field of audit and accreditation, served as the speaker for this training. The focus of this auditor training was on discussing audit instruments for the National Standard for Higher Education (SNPT) and the new accreditation forms. Additionally, topics such as Higher Education Curriculum Development and the Integration of ISO 9001:2015 into the Higher Education System were also covered.

Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng provided material related to audit and accreditation to the internal auditors.

Question and answer session with Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng and the internal auditors of UAD.
With the organization of this training, it is expected that auditors will have a better understanding of audit principles, audit program management, audit implementation, auditor competencies, and evaluation. Additionally, auditors are also expected to have a deeper understanding of the latest standards from the Ministry of Education and Culture, including the National Standards for Higher Education outlined in Ministerial Regulation No. 44 of 2015 and Ministerial Regulation No. 62 of 2016 on Higher Education Quality Assurance Systems.

Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng along with the internal auditors of UAD

The atmosphere during the Internal Auditor Training at UAD