9 Criteria Self Evaluation Report (LED) Writing Workshop
From 4th to November 5th, 2020, BPM UAD held a 9 criteria LED preparation workshop for Deans and Heads of Study Programs outside the health study program. On this occasion, BPM invited Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng. as Assessor of BAN PT to deliver materials on the principles and steps in writing the 9 criteria LED.
In the preparation of the 9 criteria LED, more efforts from a number of elements were needed because they were already based on the outcomes of the study program. In addition, compared to the 7 standards form, the assessment in 9 criteria LED focuses on the ability to develop a good self-evaluation based on valid data.
As the Dean and Head of Study Programs from the health study program used the LAM-PTKes instrument, which is different from the BAN-PT instrument, BPM has scheduled a similar workshop on November 14, 2020, with dr. Yudha Nurhantari, Ph.D., Sp.F. from the Quality Assurance Unit of the UGM Faculty of Medicine.
Hopefully, these workshops could prepare the study programs at UAD in writing 9 Criteria LED.