Review of Vision, Mission, and Curriculum at UM Purworejo
BPM UAD, represented by the Head of the Internal Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Mr. Imam Santosa, S.T., M.T., provided guidance during the review of the vision, mission, and curriculum of the Automotive Engineering Education Program (PTO) at UM Purworejo. The event was held on Wednesday, August 1, 2018, starting at 09:00, and took place in the meeting room of the rectorate at UM Purworejo. The event was opened by Vice Rector 1 and attended by the program head, lecturers, alumni, users of program graduates, and the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) of UM Purworejo. With the organization of this event, it is expected that the Head of the Internal Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of UAD will be able to provide insights into the preparation of the accreditation document at UM Purworejo.

Imam Santosa, S.T., M.Eng. selaku Kepala Unit Monevin UAD menjadi narasumber di UM Purworejo