SPMI In House Training
The Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI), which is the main requirement for a university to maintain its quality, requires a strong understanding of all elements involved in the SPMI. One element that supports the implementation of quality assurance at the faculty level is the Faculty Quality System Controller (PSMF) and at the study program level, the Study Program Quality System Controller (PSMP).
On 2-3 February 2021, the UAD Quality Assurance Unit in collaboration with the UGM Quality Assurance Office held an In House Training (IHT). The activity which was attended by representatives of PSMF and PSMP took the theme of Internal Quality Assurance System. The activity of the first day was discussions on National Policies related to SPMI and the implementation of SPMI at UGM. On the second day, there was a discussion about the Documentation System as one of the important elements in SPMI. Discussions with experts at UGM were able to increase the understanding of SPMI and the knowledge gained could be taken into consideration in improving SPMI at UAD.