The visit of the SPMI Team from IPI Garut
UAD received a visit from the Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut on Friday, July 20, 2018. The purpose of the visit by the SPMI team from IPI Garut to BPM UAD was for benchmarking and to foster relationships. The SPMI team from IPI Garut attending the visit consisted of approximately 14 people, including the Head of the SPMI Team, Dr. Tetep, M.Pd. The visit of the SPMI team from IPI Garut was warmly welcomed by Utik Bidayati, S.E., M.M., as the Head of BPM, and Dr. Surahma A. Mulasari, M.Kes., as the Head of the PPM Unit. The feedback from the SPMI team from IPI Garut after their benchmarking visit to BPM UAD was positive, highlighting the wealth of information and benefits obtained, particularly regarding UAD’s SPMI.

The SPMI Team from Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI) Garut and the Head of BPM UAD

Atmosphere during the Benchmarking Visit of IPI Garut at BPM UAD

The presentation of souvenirs from BPM UAD to the SPMI Team of IPI Garut