Workshop on Quality System Control (PSM) January 8, 2018

The atmosphere of the PSM workshop on January 8, 2018
The PSM workshop was held on Monday, January 8, 2018, in the Meeting Room of Campus 2 Unit B UAD. This workshop was attended by PSM Study Programs, PSM Units, Head of PPM Unit, Head of BPM and three staffs of BPM. The workshop ran from 08.00 – 15.00. This workshop discusses SOP mapping, SOP review, and making flowcharts. The workshop went well. The workshop participants participated actively and gave each other suggestions or input on making SOPs and flowcharts.

Discussion per group SOP

PSM of Accounting Study Program presented the results of the Registration & Registration SOP group discussion

PSM of English Literature Study Program provides advice on creating PIC tables

PSM Physics Study Program provides advice on SOP revision