Self-Evaluation is an activity that is very important so that it is called one of the main activities in the Higher Education sector.
In the context of accreditation of higher education study programs which aim to assess and provide quality assurance for higher education programs and units (quality assessment and assurance), self-evaluation which is an internal evaluation of higher education study programs, is the first step whose results can be used to update the database of study program in the form of a comprehensive profile, planning, development strategy and improvement of sustainable study programs, internal quality assurance of study programs and to prepare for accreditation.
Because of the importance of the Study Program Self-Evaluation, the Quality Assurance Board of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held a Self-Evaluation Preparation Workshop on February 11, 2016.
The Self-Evaluation Preparation Workshop was attended by UAD internal accreditation assistants and several representatives from Islamic Religious Education study programs, PPKn, Mathematics, Physics, Information Systems, English Education, Counseling Guidance, Industrial Engineering, Physics Education, PG PAUD, Psychology, and English Education Master Program with Dr. Ir. Era Purwanto, M.Eng. as the speaker. Self-Evaluation Workshop Participants