

Tahun SKNama FileKeteranganUnduh
2018PERMENRISTEKDIKTI No. 50 tentang perubahan atas permenristekditi No. 44 Tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan TinggiStandar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi
2019Peraturan BAN-PT No. 2 tentang Panduan Penyusunan LED & LKPS ProdiInstrumen APS LED dan LKPS
2019Peraturan BAN-PT No. 3 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan TinggiPeraturan tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Peguruan Tinggi 3.0
2019Peraturan BAN-PT No. 5 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program StudiPeraturan tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi
2020Peraturan BAN-PT No. 2 tentang Instrumen Suplemen KonversiPeraturan tentang Instrumen Suplemen Konversi (ISK)
2020Permendikbud No.3 Tentang Akreditasi Prodi dan Perguruan TinggiAkreditasi Progam Studi dan Perguruan Tinggi
2020Permendikbud No.5 Tentang Akreditasi Prodi dan Perguruan TinggiAkreditasi Progam Studi dan Perguruan Tinggi
2021Peraturan BAN-PT No. 8 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis, dan AkuntansiPeraturan tentang Instrumen LAMEMBA
2021Peraturan BAN-PT No. 10 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Program Sarjana Lingkup KependidikanPeraturan tentang Instrumen LAMDIK
2021Peraturan BAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Program Sarjana Lingkup SAINS Alam dan Ilmu FormalPeraturan tentang Instrumen LAMSAMA
2021Peraturan BAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Pada Pendidikan Akademik dan Vokasi Lingkup TeknikPeraturan tentang Instrumen LAM Teknik
2021Peraturan BAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Profesi InsinyurPeraturan tentang Instrumen Akreditasi PSPPI
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 1 tentang Mekanisme AkreditasiPeraturan tentang Mekanisme Akreditasi
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 2 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Pada Lingkup KependidikanPeraturan tentang Instrumen LAMDIK
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Pada Lingkup Informatika dan KomputerPeraturan tentang Instrumen Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 7 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Magister Terapan Pada Lingkup Informatika dan KomputerPeraturan tentang Instrumen Magister Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 8 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Sarjana Pada Lingkup Informatika dan KomputerPeraturan tentang Instrumen Sarjana LAMINFOKOM
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 9 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Magister Pada Lingkup Informatika dan KomputerPeraturan tentang Instrumen Magister LAMINFOKOM
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 10 Tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Program Studi Doktor Pada Lingkup Informatika dan KomputerPeraturan tentang Instrumen Doktor LAMINFOKOM
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 22 Tentang Instrumen Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Peringkat Akreditasi Program StudiPeraturan tentang IPEPA Program Studi
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 23 Tentang Instrumen Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Peringkat Akreditasi Perguruan TinggiPeraturan tentang IPEPA Perguruan Tinggi
2022Peraturan BAN-PT No. 27 tentang Konversi Peringkat Akreditasi dengan Menggunakan ISKPeraturan tentang Konversi Peringkat Akreditasi
2024Peraturan BAN-PT No. 5 tentang Instrumen PEMUTU PT untuk Perpanjangan Status TerakreditasiPeraturan Instrumen PEMUTU PT untuk Perpanjangan Status Terakreditasi
2024Peraturan BAN-PT No. 18 tentang Instrumen PEMUTU untuk Perpanjangan Status Akred. melalui Mekanisme Automasi Program StudiPeraturan tentang Instrumen PEMUTU untuk Perpanjangan Status Akred. melalui Mekanisme Automasi Program Studi
2024LAMPIRAN PerBAN-PT No. 18 tentang Instrumen PEMUTU untuk Perpanjangan Status Akred. melalui Mekanisme Automasi Program StudiLampiran Peraturan tentang Instrumen PEMUTU untuk Perpanjangan Status Akred. melalui Mekanisme Automasi Program Studi


Instrumen APT

YearFile NameDescriptionDownload
2019Accreditation Proposer Sheet for Academic Higher Education InstitutionsExcel containing accreditation data for Academic Higher Education Institutions
2019Accreditation Proposer Sheet for Vocational Higher Education InstitutionsExcel containing accreditation data for Vocational Higher Education Institutions
2019Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsAcademic Text of Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 2. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsCriteria and Procedures for Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 3. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsGuidelines for Preparing Self-Evaluation Reports for Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 4. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsGuidelines for Preparing University Performance Reports on Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 5. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsGuidelines for Assessment of Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 6d. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsAssessment Matrix for Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0
2019Attachment 7. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 3 regarding Accreditation Instruments for Higher Education InstitutionsField Assessment Guidelines for Higher Education Accreditation Instrument 3.0

Instrumen APS

YearFile NameDescriptionDownload
2019Accreditation Program Study Proposer SheetAccreditation Program Study Data Excel Sheet
2019Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 about regarding Guidelines for the Preparation of Self-Evaluation Reports and Program Study Performance ReportsGuidelines for the Preparation of Self-Evaluation Reports
2019Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 about regarding Guidelines for the Preparation of Self-Evaluation Reports and Program Study Performance ReportsGuidelines for the Preparation of Program Study Performance Reports (LKPS)
2019Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAcademic Text: Instrument for Accreditation of Study Programs
2019Attachment 2. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsCriteria and Procedures for Study Program Accreditation Instrument
2019Attachment 3. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsGuidelines for the Preparation of Self-Evaluation Reports for Study Program Accreditation Instrument
2019Attachment 4. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsGuidelines for the Preparation of Program Study Performance Reports for Study Program Accreditation Instrument
2019Attachment 5. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsGuidelines for Assessment of Study Program Accreditation Instrument
2019Attachment 6a. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Bachelor's Program
2019Attachment 6b. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Master's Program
2019Attachment 6c. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Doctoral Programs
2019Attachment 6d. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Three-Year Diploma Program
2019Attachment 6e. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Applied Bachelor's
2019Attachment 6f. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsApplied Master's Program Assessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument
2019Attachment 6g. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsAssessment Matrix for Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Applied Doctoral Program
2019Attachment 7. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 5 Instrument for Accreditation of Study ProgramsField Assessment Guidelines for Study Program Accreditation Instrument

Instrumen Suplemen Konversi (ISK)

YearNama FileDescriptionDownload
2020Attachment A. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsConversion Supplement Instrument for Higher Education Accreditation
2020Attachment B. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsAssessment Matrix Conversion Supplement Instrument for Higher Education Accreditation
2020Attachment C. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsConversion Supplement Instrument Diploma Three Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment D. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsAssessment Matrix Conversion Supplement Instrument for Three Diploma Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment E. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsConversion Supplement Instrument for Bachelor's and Applied Bachelor's Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment F. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsAssessment Matrix Conversion Supplement Instrument for Bachelor's and Applied Bachelor's Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment G. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsConversion Supplement Instrument for Master's and Applied Master's Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment H. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsAssessment Matrix Conversion Supplement Instrument for Master's and Applied Master's Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment I. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsConversion Supplement Instrument for Doctoral and Applied Doctoral Program Study Accreditation
2020Attachment J. Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2 regarding Conversion Supplement InstrumentsAssessment Matrix Conversion Supplement Instrument for Doctoral and Applied Doctoral Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet Conversion Supplement Instrument for Higher Education AccreditationExcel Form for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Higher Education Accreditation
2020Diploma 3 Program Study Accreditation Conversion Supplement Instrument Proposer SheetExcel Form for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Diploma 3 Study Program Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Accreditation of Bachelor's Degree Study ProgramsExcel for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Bachelor's Degree Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Accreditation of Applied Bachelor's Program StudyExcel Form for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Applied Bachelor's Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Master's Program Study AccreditationExcel Form for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Master's Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Accreditation of Applied Master's Program StudyExcel Form for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Applied Master's Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Doctoral Program Study AccreditationExcel for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Doctoral Program Study Accreditation
2020Proposer Sheet for Conversion Supplement Instrument for Applied Doctoral Program Study AccreditationExcel for Filling Conversion Supplement Instrument for Applied Doctoral Program Study Accreditation
2020Indicators of Targets in Bachelor's Conversion Supplement InstrumentIndicators of Targets in Bachelor's Conversion Supplement Instrument

Instrumen PEPA

YearFile NameDescriptionDownload
2020Guidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Academic Higher Education InstitutionsGuidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Academic Higher Education Institutions
2020Guidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Bachelor's Degree Study ProgramsGuidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Bachelor's Degree Programs
2020Guidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Master's Degree Study ProgramsGuidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Master's Degree Programs
2020Guidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Doctoral Degree Study ProgramsGuidelines for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Doctoral Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Academic Higher Education InstitutionsProposer for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Academic Higher Education Institutions
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Vocational Higher Education InstitutionProposer for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Academic Higher Education Institutions
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Three-Year Diploma ProgramsProposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Three-Year Diploma Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Bachelor's Degree ProgramsProposer for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Bachelor's Degrees
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Bachelor's Degree ProgramsProposers for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Bachelor's Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Master's ProgramsProposer for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Master's Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Master's ProgramsProposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Master's Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Doctoral ProgramsProposer of Monitoring and Evaluation for Phase 2 Accreditation Ratings for Doctoral Programs
2021Sheet for Proposers of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Doctoral ProgramsProposer of Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings Phase 2 for Applied Doctoral Programs
2022Attachment Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 22 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments for Accreditation Ratings of Study ProgramsInstrument for Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Study Programs _Revision
2022Attachment Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 22 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments for Accreditation Ratings of Study ProgramsInstrument Monitoring and Evaluation of Accreditation Ratings for Higher Education Institutions_Revision

Instrumen LAMEMBA

YearFile NameDescriptionDownload
2021Template Document for Program Study PerformanceExcel Template for Completing Performance Documents of Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Glossary of Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Economics, Business Management, and AccountingGlossary of Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingAcademic Text of Independent Accreditation Institution for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 2. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingCriteria and Procedures for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 3. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingGuidelines for the Preparation of Self-Evaluation Documents for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 4. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingGuidelines for the Preparation of Performance Documents for Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 5. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingGuidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation Documents for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 6. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingAssessment Form for Adequacy Assessment of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 7. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingField Assessment Evaluation Form for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 8. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingAssessment Committee Evaluation Form for Adequacy Assessment and Field Assessment of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting
2021Attachment 9. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 8 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Study Programs in the Scope of Economics, Business Management, and AccountingGuidelines for Accreditation Assessment of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Economics, Business Management, and Accounting

Instrumen LAMDIK

YearFile NameDescriptionDownload
2021Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 10 concerning Instruments for Independent Accreditation Institutions for EducationAcademic Text of Independent Accreditation Institution for Education at Bachelor's Level
2021Attachment 2. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 10 concerning Instruments for Independent Accreditation Institutions for EducationSelf-Evaluation Report of Independent Accreditation Institution for Education at Bachelor's Level
2021Attachment 3. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 10 concerning Instruments for Independent Accreditation Institutions for EducationGuidelines for Preparing Self-Evaluation Reports for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education at Bachelor's Level
2021Attachment 4. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 10 concerning Instruments for Independent Accreditation Institutions for EducationGuidelines and Assessment Matrix for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education at Bachelor's Level
2021Attachment 5. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 10 concerning Instruments for Independent Accreditation Institutions for EducationAccreditation Procedure for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education at Bachelor's Level
2022Attachment 1. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsAcademic Text of Study Program Accreditation Instrument for Education
2022Attachment 2. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsSelf-Evaluation Report of Independent Accreditation Institution for Education at Master's Level
2022Attachment 3. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsSelf-Evaluation Report of Independent Accreditation Institution for Education Doctoral Programs
2022Attachment 4. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsSelf-Evaluation Report of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Professional Teacher Education
2022Attachment 5. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines for Preparing Self-Evaluation Reports of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Master's Education
2022Attachment 6. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines for Preparing Self-Evaluation Reports of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Doctoral Education
2022Attachment 7. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines for Preparing Self-Evaluation Reports of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Professional Teacher Education
2022Attachment 8. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines and Assessment Matrix for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Master's Education
2022Attachment 9. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines and Assessment Matrix for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Doctoral Education
2022Attachment 10. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsGuidelines and Assessment Matrix for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Professional Teacher Education
2022Attachment 11. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsProcedure for Accrediting Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education
2022Attachment 12. Regulation of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 2 concerning Accreditation Instruments for Education Study ProgramsSupplementary Accreditation Instrument for Independent Accreditation Institutions for Undergraduate Education
2022Excel Template for Quantitative DataQuantitative Data of Accreditation for Undergraduate Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education
2022Excel Template for Quantitative DataQuantitative Data of Accreditation for Master's Program in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education
2022Excel Template for Quantitative DataQuantitative Data of Accreditation for Doctoral Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Education
2022Excel Template for Quantitative DataQuantitative Data for Accreditation of Study Programs in Independent Accreditation Institutions for Professional Teacher Education

Instrumen LAMSAMA

TahunNama FileKeteranganDownload
2021Lampiran 1. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalNaskah Akademik LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 2. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalKriteria dan Prosedur LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 3. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalPanduan Penyusunan Laporan Evadi LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 4. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalPanduan Penyusunan LKPS LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 5. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalLaporan Kinerja Program Studi (LKPS) LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 6. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalPedoman Penilaian LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 7. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalMatriks Penilaian LKPS dan Evadi Program Sarjana LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 8. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalPedoman Asesmen Lapangan Luring LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 9. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalPedoman Asesmen Lapangan Daring LAMSAMA
2021Lampiran 10. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Kimia
2021Lampiran 11. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Fisika
2021Lampiran 12. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Matematika
2021Lampiran 13. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Astronomi
2021Lampiran 14. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Geofisika
2021Lampiran 15. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalSuplemen Bidang Biologi
2021Lampiran 16. PERBAN-PT No. 11 tentang Instrumen Akreditasi Prodi Lingkup Sains Alam dan Ilmu FormalTabel LKPS LAMSAMA


TahunNama FileKeteranganDownload
2018Borang Akreditasi Program Studi Program Profesi InsinyurBorang Akreditasi APS Profesi Insinyur
2021Lampiran 1. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikNaskah Akademik APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 2. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikPedoman Penyusunan LED APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 3. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikPedoman Penyusunan LKPS APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 4. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikPedoman Penilaian APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5a. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5b. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Magister LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5c. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Doktor LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5d. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS D1 LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5e. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS D2 LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5f. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS D3 LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5g. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Sarjana Terapan LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5h. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Magister Terapan LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 5i. PERBAN-PT No. 12 tentang Instrumen APS Akademik & Vokasi LAM TeknikMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Doktor Terapan LAM Teknik
2021Lampiran 1. PERBAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen APS Profesi InsinyurNaskah Akademik APS Profesi Insinyur
2021Lampiran 2. PERBAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen APS Profesi InsinyurPedoman Penyusunan LED APS Profesi Insinyur
2021Lampiran 3. PERBAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen APS Profesi InsinyurPedoman Penyusunan LKPS APS Profesi Insinyur
2021Lampiran 4. PERBAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen APS Profesi InsinyurPedoman Penilaian APS Profesi Insinyur
2021Lampiran 5. PERBAN-PT No. 13 tentang Instrumen APS Profesi InsinyurMatriks Penilaian LED & LKPS APS Profesi Insinyur
2023Materi 1. Kebijakan dan Prosedur AkreditasiSosialisasi Kebijakan LAM Prodi Keteknikan bagi PTS di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wil. 5
2023Materi 2. Pedoman Penyusunan LEDSosialisasi Kebijakan LAM Prodi Keteknikan bagi PTS di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wil. 5
2023Materi 3. LKPS Prodi AkademikSosialisasi Kebijakan LAM Prodi Keteknikan bagi PTS di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wil. 5
2023Materi 4. Akreditasi Prodi VokasiSosialisasi Kebijakan LAM Prodi Keteknikan bagi PTS di Lingkungan LLDIKTI Wil. 5


TahunNama FileKeteranganDownload
2022Lampiran 1. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMNaskah Akademik Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Lampiran 2. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMPanduan Penyusunan LED Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Lampiran 3. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMPanduan Penyusunan LKPS Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Lampiran 4. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMMatriks Penilaian Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Lampiran 5. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMProsedur Baku Pelaksanaan Akreditasi Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM
2022Lampiran 6. PERBAN-PT No. 6 Tentang Instrumen APS pada Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOMPedoman Penilaian Program Sarjana Terapan LAMINFOKOM


Tahun SuratNama FileKeteranganDownload
2020ST WR Akademik No. 8 tentang Tim Pendamping AkreditasiPenugasan atas nama Uswatun Khasanah, S.Si., M.Sc. dan Dr. Novi Febrianti, M.Si. sebagai Pendamping Akreditasi Periode 1 Januari s.d. 31 Desember 2021
2020ST BPM No. 32 tentang Auditor Mutu Internal 20Penugasan Auditor Mutu Internal pada AMI 20
2020SK Rektor UAD No. 412 tentang Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian PSMPengangkatan PSM Periode 2020 - 2022
2021ST BPM No. 05.A tentang Peserta IHT SPMISurat Tugas Peserta In House Training Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal
2021SK Rektor UAD No. 25 tentang Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian PSMPergantian PSM
2021ST BPM No. 55 tentang Auditor Mutu Internal 21Penugasan Auditor Mutu Internal pada AMI 21
2021ST Rektor No. 373 tentang Tim Penyiapan APT UADSurat Tugas Tim Penyiapan APT UAD
2022ST WR Akademik No. 107 tahun 2022 Tentang Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi di Lingkungan UADSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi Tahun 2022
2022ST BPM No. 131 tentang Auditor Mutu Internal 22Penugasan Auditor Mutu Internal pada AMI 22
2022SK Rektor No 248 Th 2022 Perpanjangan Masa Jabatan PSM UADPerpanjangan Masa Jabatan PSM UAD 22
2022SK Rektor No 269 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM Prodi PAI S1 UADPemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM Prodi PAI S1 UAD
2022SK Rektor No 270 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM Prodi TP S1 UADPemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM Prodi TP S1
2022ST Rektor No 404 Th 2022 Pendamping AKreditasi Program Studi UADSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Program Studi
2022ST Rektor No 471 Th 2022 Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi di Lingkungan UADSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Program Studi
2022ST Rektor No 1404 Th 2022 Pendamping AKreditasi Program Studi UADSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Program Studi
2023SK Rektor No 33 Th 2023 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UAD 2023 - 2025 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UAD 2023 - 2025
2023ST Rektor No 140 Th 2023 Pendamping AKreditasi Program Studi UADSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Program Studi
2023ST WR Akademik No 506 Th 2023 Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi Teknik Kimia S2Surat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Program Studi
2023SK Rektor No 188 Th 2023 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan Pengendali Sistem Mutu di Lingk UAD Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UAD
2023ST BPM No. 116 tentang Auditor Mutu Internal 23Penugasan Auditor Mutu Internal pada AMI 23
2023SK Rektor No 333 Th 2023 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UADPemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UAD
2023ST Rektor No 1354 Th 2023 Tim Penyusun SERs AQASS Tahap ISurat Tugas Tim Penyusun Akreditasi Internasional AQASS
2024ST BPM No. 13 tentang Auditor Keuangan InternalPenugasan Auditor Keuangan Tahun 2024
2024ST Rektor No 178 Th 2024 Tim Penyusun Dokumen SERs AQASS Tahap II Surat Tugas Tim Penyusun Akreditasi Internasional AQASS
2024ST Rektor No 199 Th 2024, tentang Tim Audit Keuangan Internal Unit Bisnis Berbadan Hukum Persero TerbatasSurat Tugas Tim Audit Keuangan Internal Unit Bisnis
2024ST BPM No. 160 tentang Auditor Mutu Internal 24Penugasan Auditor Mutu Internal pada AMI 24
2025SK Rektor No 42 Th 2025 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM Periode 2025-2027 di Lingk UAD Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM di Lingk UAD
2025SK Rektor No 49 Th 2025 Pemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM S2 T.ELEKRO Periode 2025-2027 di Lingk UADPemberhentian & Pengangkatan PSM S2 T.ELEKTRO di Lingk UAD
2025ST WR Akademik No 251 Th 2025 Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi S2 Kesehatan MasyarakatSurat Tugas Pendamping Akreditasi Prodi S2 Kesehatan


UAD Kampus 1

Jalan Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166


0274-563 515 ext. 1281



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